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meet jesslyn

the human behind the lens

I grew up playing in the dirt and mud (and still do). My hair is pretty much in a perpetual state of messy bun. I rarely wear makeup. I prefer leggings and sweaters to fancy dresses and heels. So, when I was photographing big, traditional weddings, it dawned on me that I wasn't personally connected to all the pomp and circumstance. One blurred into the other — the same timelines, the same rehashed traditions, the same excess of stuff. Simply put, I didn't belong.

Helping others bring to life their own truly unique vision for their wedding day — well, it's indescribable. That feeling of sheer stoke and excitement for an elopement never gets old! Nobody has to entertain or perform, there are no burdensome obligations — it's simply the two of you in an epic place you love with those who fully support you. That, to me, is the most incredible way to start your new life together.

but what makes me different?

I received my degree in Film + Photography, spending those years developing my technical capabilities, personal style, and artistic eye. But photography isn't something you simply learn and leave it at that — I am constantly learning, flexing my creative skills, and deepening my art every time I pick up my cameras.

I'm also passionate about outdoor education. As someone who has worked in the outdoor industry for years and roams the countryside solo year-round, I like to give back by volunteering my time and expertise to local and national organizations where I can teach others about the Ten Essentials, Leave No Trace, map & compass navigation, and backpacking basics.

With all of this knowledge and experience, I'm not only uniquely equipped to help you have a fun and safe elopement experience, but I've put it all together to create incredibly detailed resources that my couples use to help plan their day down to the last detail!

And if you couldn't tell by now, your experience is my priority. For this reason, I cap the amount of elopements I book each year so that I can give each couple and their special day the utmost attention and high standard of quality they deserve.


your elopement guru

I like to PUSH BOUNDARIES and my goal is to be a resource for those who choose to walk the paths less traveled. You want nothing more than to escape the trappings of tradition and do what feels right for you, and that's where I step in to emphatically say HELL YES! This involves taking amazing photographs for you, but also includes:

• Personally tailored location guides
• Local vendor recommendations
• Creating a plan for an unforgettable day
• Permitting + Marriage License assistance
• Being your personal pack mule
• Making you world class S'Mores at day's end

You want to RISE ABOVE THE STATUS QUO to create something that's true to you and I will see you through the entire process smoothly and effortlessly, whatever that might entail!


queen of s'mores

As stated above, I will gladly make you the best s'mores you've ever had to end your wedding day with. I have spent my time around campfires patiently honing this highly acclaimed skill and gleaning techniques from other s'mores masters, thereby perfecting the method in which I produce the quintessential combination of crunchy cracker, melty chocolate, and flawlessly oozy marshmallow for the ultimate s'mores experience. You won't be disappointed!

a few fun facts

I'm a HUGE GAMER GEEK of the board, card, and video varieties. My favorites include story-driven RPGs, puzzle-solving platformers, select FPS games, and Settlers of Catan — because how can you not.

The top five movies I could watch over and over again:






I have an extremely wide taste in music that ranges from HEAVY METAL TO INSTRUMENTAL CLASSIC. If we're riding in a car together, chances are good that I won't mind listening to whatever you pick out!

what is it like to work with me?

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Jesslyn provided us with the best possible experience a photographer could. She took beautiful photos, helped us in any way required (like crawling through 3 feet of snow to retrieve our bags), and provided us with a fun, memorable experience. Having a photographer willing to hike six miles with all their gear is hard to find; Jesslyn did it with enthusiasm! I cannot say enough praise to accurately represent how awesome she/this experience was!

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Lis O.


backcountry weddings for the WILDLY in love